The San Paolo livestock is a wild type and includes 100 selected head of cattle. The continuous goal is to morphologically and functionally improve the samples produced
Particularly, over the last few years, important technical results have been accomplished, concerning the production of the finest purebred studs: Nume, Otello, Strauss, Damasco, Erasmo e Fogo. These come from the three important ancestors of the breed and three different blood families whose names come from:
– Granduca di Martina (1919-1944);
– Nerone (1934-1946);
– Araldo delle Murge (1928-1949).
2010 – Dr. Francesco Basile, President ANAMF, presents race murgese Hon. Giancarlo Galan, Minister MIPAAF
The Murgese Horse Market is constantly growing. The San Paolo livestock permanently sells its own horses all around the Western Europe thanks to the participation to the most important continental horse events such as: Equitana (Essen), Salon du Chaval ( Paris), Fiera Cavalli Verona.
In the last few years some passionate foreign breeders have been interested in this. In august 2014, Damasco, a stud from San Paolo manor farm, has been acquired by the sheik Mansour Bin Zayed and now included in his stables in Abu Dhabi.